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Floating microprocessor densimeter DENSIMETER is purposed for measuring of the density of fluids, solutions, suspensions as slime, pulp, oil products etc in cement, dressing and power industries, kaolin and food industries as well as other related branches.
The special float with volume one liter and weight 2000 g is hung on precise weightmeasuring sensor and it is immersed into the fluid the density of which is measured. The measuring elevating power by the float with negative floatability is proportional to the density (law of Archimed). The signal from the sensor is sent to microprocessor module where by special software it is performed calibration, calculation, visualization and take out of the information for the density.

The density of the fluid is calculated by the formula:
D = (-Ff + CA) Cn
D – density of the fluid, g/l;
Ff – the weight measured from weightmeasuring sensor, equal to the difference between deadweight of the float and elevating power ;
CA – coefficient which is equal to the deadweight of the float + eventual settling;
Cn – coefficient for normalizing of the density if the volume of the float is different from a liter.

In the microprocessor module are inserted: alarm relay for limited values; analog current output 0(4) – 20 mA; serial channel RS 485.
DENSIMETER measures the density of the fluid in the range 1000 up to 1800 g/l. The range can program with a view to increase the accuracy. DENSIMETER can measure as well as a density under 1000 g/l at the using of float with other deadweight or volume. The sensor signal can send to the distance up to 200 m without additional amplifier. The adjusted error of measuring is under 0,5%.

The delivery of DENSIMITER contains: float, weight measuring sensor, install elements of sensor, microprocessor converter, measuring cable, supply cable, passport of the system, instruction for adjustment.
DENSIMETER is provided with 18 months warranty from the date of implementation, but not later than two years from the date of delivery.


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